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Tanzania Trip -- Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21
Reviewing the bird book with the locals

Day 15. Saturday, July 21. Mbulu, TZ.

Day 8 in Tanzania.

Most days dawn calm and overcast, and cool here in the mountains, but today the sunrise was clear with a light breeze - I wonder what the change will bring. As it turns out, only a nice day with a few clouds to the west.

Cathy and Lydia conducted research in the same two areas as yesterday, but speaking with different men. I tagged along and enjoyed the company of locals and that of a few birds. I got to the Internet cafe in the afternoon, but it was closed, so we found a guy using a cell phone modem for Internet access. I dashed off a note to Liz saying that we are still having fun.

Link to trip map.

July 21
Street scene in front of hotel
July 21
Street scene on the outskirts of Mbulu
July 21
Farm fields
July 21
Coffee bushes and orange trees
July 21
Official building west of Mbulu
July 21
Mixed white corn and pigeon peas
July 21
Beans planted next to corn and pigeon peas
July 21
Street scene on outer edge of Mbulu urban area
July 21
Heading into the mountains south of town
July 21
Road in the mountains
July 21
Road in the mountains
July 21
Road in the mountains
July 21
Road in the mountains
July 21
Farm in the mountains
July 21
Trail in the woods (eucalyptus trees)
July 21
Clouds over mountains to the west
July 21
Sign in Murray town
July 21
Close-up of art work on sign
July 21
Very cool spider suspended in web
July 21
Rural farm
July 21
Saturday morning meeting
July 21
Huge Catholic church on the edge of the Mbulu urban area
July 21
Afternoon coffee and a snack in town
July 21
White coffee, somoza (meat pastry), and kitumbua (rice dumpling)
July 21
Sanu Park Inn, small room: desk, TV, and bed
July 21
Sanu Park Inn, small room: bed with mosquito net
July 21
Sanu Park Inn, small room: bathroom (L), sink, closet, and exit (Rt)
July 21
Sanu Park Inn, small room: bathroom (shower and toilet)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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