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Alaska Birding Trip -- June 2018

Alaska Birding
Liz hiking in the woods on the Anchorage Coastal Trail

June 06, 2018. Anchorage.

This was a free day in Anchorage, and we used it well. We used Uber to get to Westchester Lagoon, a pond and marsh area. The lagoon was full of fun birds, and then we walked miles and miles along the coast on the Anchorage Coastal Trail. The first few miles of the trail ran along mud flats where we were treated to lots of marsh birds, Arctic Terns, Cackling Geese, Lesser Sandhill Cranes, and Hudsonian Godwits. The Godwits are very rare, so seeing five in two groups was a rare treat.

The rest of our hike, the remainingmiles, was in the forest atop headlands overlooking the sea. Here, we were treated to Bank Swallows nesting in the cliff face, Common Redpolls, Swainson's Thrushes out in the trail, Alder Flycatchers, and several species of warblers.

At the end of the day, we Ubered back to the hotel. Our legs and feet are tired, so tomorrow is going to be an easier day.

Night in Anchorage (Coast International Inn).

Trip Map.

Alaska Birding
Westchester Lagoon
Alaska Birding
Waterfowl and shorebirds on Winchester Island
Alaska BirdingThe Coastal Trail starts at Westchester Lagoon Alaska Birding
Caution sign on trail at Winchester Lagoon
Alaska Birding
Holy Cow -- reduce speed for Moose!
Alaska Birding
Birding the tidal portion of Winchester Lagoon
Alaska Birding
Ducks and shorebirds at the back of the marsh
Alaska Birding
Greater Scaup
Alaska Birding
Red-necked Grebe
Alaska Birding
Mew Gull
Alaska Birding
Black-billed Magpie
Alaska Birding
Lesser Yellowlegs
Alaska Birding
Along Coastal Trail, birding over enormous mudflats
Alaska Birding
Lesser Sandhill Crane calling
Alaska Birding
Lesser Sandhill Cranes on mudflats
Alaska Birding
Hidsonian Godwits
Alaska Birding
What's that in the distance? ...
Alaska Birding
... another pair of Lesser Sandhill Cranes
Alaska Birding
Liz birding over a tidal creek
Alaska Birding
Coastal trail goes into the woods
Alaska Birding
Pond in the Anchorage Earthquake Park
Alaska Birding
Atop bluffs, looking back at where we started near downtown
Alaska Birding
Hiking in the woods
Alaska Birding
Alaska Birding
Common Redpoll
Alaska Birding
Alder Flycatches
Alaska Birding
Trail goes past end of Anchorage International Airport
Alaska Birding
Noisy place to bird
Alaska Birding
This White-crowned Sparrow doesn't mind the noise
Alaska Birding
Another dragonfly
Alaska Birding
Coastal Trail goes through Point Woronzof Park
Alaska Birding
We backtracked to a parking lot and called Uber to take us home

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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