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Alaska Birding Trip -- June 2018

Nome birding
Nome: On our last rare bird in Nome. Northern Wheatear.

June 14, 2018. Birding Trip Day 7. Nome to Anchorage.

We did an early morning birding run 57 miles east along the coast to look for White Wagtails and Northern Wheatear -- we found both! We also saw three male Rock Ptarmigan working out who was king of the hill; we saw a male Golden Eagle with a Snowshoe Hare set the kill down on a hillside so his mate could come, pick it up, and carry it back to the nest; and we saw a small herd of Musk Ox crossing the road so close that we had to stop and let them pass.

After our early morning excitement, we took a mid-day flight back to Anchorage. Liz and some of her new friends went into downtown to find socks and more yarn (Liz is going through it too fast) while I went birding near the hotel with some of the guys.

Early dinner by our standards and early to bed. It is hard to get used to the 24-hour light.

Night in Anchorage (Coast International Inn).

Trip Map.

Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding more to come
Nome birding
Eagle nest
Nome birding
Eagle nest
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding more to come
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding more to come
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding more to come
Nome birding Nome birding
Nome birding Nome birding

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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