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Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Shrubs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)

General: Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) is a dense shrub with small, blue-gray leaves that are elongate, have wavy margins, rolled edges, and are covered with thick woolly hairs. Yellow flowers occur in globular clusters along distal portions of outer stems.

Utah Butterflybush is an uncommon component of vegetation communities in dry, well-drained gravelly areas on bajadas into the lower mountains in the Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zone.

Around Las Vegas, look for Utah Butterflybush dry areas with gravel and rocky soils formed of limestone or volcanic rocks. While uncommon, look for them on Fossil Ridge at Red Rock Canyon NCA.

Family: Figwort (Scrophulariaceae). Formerly Butterfly-bush (Buddlejaceae).

Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush growing on limestone rock
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush growing on limestone rock
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush growing on sandstone rock, which is unusual
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush growing among limestone rocks
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis) Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Dried or failed flowers (failed due to drought)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Dried or failed flowers (failed due to drought)
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Flying ants swarming the flowers
Utah Butterflybush (Buddleja utahensis)
Flying ants swarming the flowers

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 220729

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