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Ant Hills Around Las Vegas
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Ant Hills

Just as there are many kinds of ants, there are many kinds of ant hills, but most have common characteristics: a conical pile of sand with a central opening (which can be closed to keep out cold during winter). Often, the results of the harvest can be seen scattered around the base of the pile.

Some ants produce a conical hill with a large, vertical entrance and large stones carried up from the depths. This species of ant still escapes me; I even dug one up, but to no avail.

Ant hills can be scattered across the landscape, but rarely are close to one another. If "ant hills" seem to be clustered, consider that they may actually be pocket gopher mounds.

Ant Hills
Typical ant hill in grassy terrain
Ant Hills
Typical ant hill in forested terrain
ant hill
Large-bore ant hill
ant hill
Large-bore ant hill
Ant Hills
Small, red, nocturnal ants that make a large ant-hill
Ant Hills
Small, red, nocturnal ants that make a large ant-hill
Ant Hills
Poor focus, but lots of small, red, nocturnal ants
Ant Hills
Poor focus, but lots of small, red, nocturnal ants
Ant Hills
Poor focus, but lots of small, red, nocturnal ants
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Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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