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A-10 Thunderbolt II (Warthog) Jets Around Las Vegas
Military Aircraft Around Las Vegas, Aircraft Around Las Vegas

The A-10 Thunderbolt II, known affectionately as a Warthog, is a close air support vehicle with the ability to carry a large load of munitions, loiter in a large combat zone for long periods of time, maintain maneuverability at low air speeds and low altitudes, and survive direct hits. Thunderbolts are single-seat aircraft with the cockpit set forward of the wings and with a large bubble canopy that provides pilots all-around vision.

Pilots and parts of the flight-control system are protected by titanium armor, redundant primary structural sections, and self-sealing fuel cells that allow the aircraft to survive direct hits from armor-piercing and high explosive projectiles up to 23mm. Manual systems back up the redundant hydraulic flight-control systems, allowing pilots to fly when hydraulics are is lost.

The aircraft can carry a variety of conventional munitions, including regular bombs, cluster bombs, laser guided bombs, joint direct attack munitions, wind corrected munitions, maverick and sidewinder missiles, rockets, illumination flares, and a 30mm cannon that fires 3,900 rounds per minute and can defeat armored targets such as tanks.

A-10 on display at Nellis Air Show, Aviation Nation
A-10 cannon
A-10, 30-mm Cannon
Nellis AFB, WA AF-xx-200
Nellis AFB, WA AF-xx-200
Davis-Monthan AFB
DM, Davis-Monthan AFB during Nellis Red Flag
A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt
Nellis AFB, OT AF-82-658
Nellis AFB, WA AF-xx-958
Nellis AFB, WA AF-80-229
DM, Davis-Monthan AFB; AF-xx-236
Nellis AFB, OT AF-xx-171
DM, Davis-Monthan AFB
DM, Davis-Monthan AFB during Nellis Red Flag

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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