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Birding Around 33 Hole Picnic Area
Birding Around Las Vegas, Lake Mead Area
33 Hole Picnic Area
33 Hole Picnic Area
33 Hole Picnic Area in the not-so-old days (2004)


33 Hole Picnic Area sits on a 3-pronged, flat-topped bluff overlooking Las Vegas Bay, and following the road to the right prong provides limited birding from a distance. When the lake level was up, water lapped at the edge of the picnic area, but now the picnic area provides an elevated position for looking down on waterbirds in the very far distance. To bird the area now, birders can follow fishermen trails out to the edge of the lake.

The White Owl Trail (0.4 miles one-way) is good, but the beginning is quite steep. Be sure to bring a spotting scope. Watch for ducks, grebes, cormorants, pelicans, coots, gulls, and the occasional Black-legged Kittiwake.

The landscape is sparsely vegetated with stunted creosote bush, white bursage, and few other shrubs, and the lakeshore is mud or grown up in saltcedar, depending on water levels.

Link to map.

33 Hole Picnic Area
Entering the right-most picnic area (view N)
33 Hole Picnic Area
First table on right: shade with distant view of lake (view NE)
33 Hole Picnic Area
First table on right: shade with distant view of lake (view NE)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Second table on right: fisherman trail towards the lake (view NE)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Fisherman trail exits behind the shaded picnic table (view NE)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Edge of bluffs: fisherman trail runs to the lake (view NE)
33 Hole Picnic Area
View of the lake; bring a spotting scope to identify birds (view NE)
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Birding From White Owl Trail (for details, see Hiking the White Owl Trail)

33 Hole Picnic Area
White Owl Trail Trailhead (2024); water is barely visible (view NW)
33 Hole Picnic Area
The route is visible from the trailhead (view NW)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Birders descending the steep trail (view NW)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Birders stay right at a fork (view NW)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Birders crossing the mud flats (view NW)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Birders approaching the low saddle (view W)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Atop saddle, birders turn right and head towards the wash (view N)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Approaching the edge of the bluffs (view N)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Atop the bluffs, it is a long way to the water (view N)
33 Hole Picnic Area
The lake stretches out to the right (view NE)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Birds in the Las Vegas Wash delta (view N)
33 Hole Picnic Area
Mixed water birds (view N)
33 Hole Picnic Area
American White Pelicans resting on a sandbar
33 Hole Picnic Area
Ducks, coots, gulls, and a pelican closer in
33 Hole Picnic Area
American White Pelicans, Ring-billed Gulls, and American Coots
33 Hole Picnic Area
American White Pelicans and Double-crested Cormorants

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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