Timber Pass Road approaching directional sign (view E) |

Directional sign (view E) |

Directional sign (view E) |

Continuing on Timber Pass Road (view E) |

Northeast point of triangle intersection with Seaman Wash (view E) |

Timber Pass Road passing a directional sign (view E) |

Looking back at directional sign (view W) |

Timber Pass Road continues through Water Gap (view E) |

Timber Pass Road approaching cattle guard in Water Gap (view E) |

Timber Pass Road at cattle guard in Water Gap (view E) |

Coal Valley sign on fence post at cattle guard (view E) |

Coal Valley sign on fence post at cattle guard (view E) |

Coal Valley sign on fence post at cattle guard (view E) |

BLM benchmark near the cattle guard (view down) |

Timber Pass Road continues through Water Gap (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road at Coal Valley North Road (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road bends to the right (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road at Coal Valley North Road and cross-over road |

Palisades on south side of Water Gap (view S) |

Timber Pass Road striking out across Coal Valley (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road approaching a fenceline (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road approaching a cattle guard (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road at a cattle guard (view NE) |

No more fencing on the north side (view E) |

Shrubs sparsely cover the playa basin (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road runs on a low dike across the playa (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road runs straight and smooth across the playa |

Four-wing saltbush and other playa-tolerant species (view N) |

Channels move water away from the road during winter (view E) |

This cross-road runs on the east edge of Coal Playa (view NE) |

The last of Coal Playa (view SW) |

Timber Pass Road approaching Highline Road (view NE) |

Beyond Highline Road, becomes more apparent that Timber Pass Road is climbing towards the Seaman Range (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road approaching an unnamed road that runs south along the west edge of Timber Mountain and the Seaman Range (view NE) |

Unnamed road (view S from Timber Pass Road) |

Timber Pass Road (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road approaching a road sign (view NE) |

Looking back at road sign (view W into Coal Valley) |

Timber Pass Road enters a wash that can be sandy (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road in a wash that can be sandy (view NE) |

Black Cliff Peak in Timber Mountains (view NE from Timber Pass Rd) |

Timber Pass Road climbing towards Timber Mountain Pass (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road approaching an old sheep corral (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road approaching information kiosk (view NE) |

Information kiosk (view NW from Timber Pass Road) |

Information kiosk (view NW) |

East edge of sheep corral; area is suitable for camping (view N) |

Timber Pass Road approaching Timber Mountain Pass (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road atop Timber Mountain Pass (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road descending over Timber Mountain Pass (view E) |

Timber Pass Road winds down mountain slopes (view NE) |

Be careful of speed: loose gravel and momentum are hazardous |

Timber Pass Road runs down mountain slopes (view NE) |

Be careful of speed: loose gravel and momentum are hazardous |

Timber Pass Road winds down mountain slopes (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road passes an unnamed side road (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road winds down mountain slopes (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road straightens to run smooth and fast (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road straightens to run smooth and fast (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road straightens to run smooth and fast (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road straightens to run smooth and fast (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road straightens to run smooth and fast (view NE) |

Check downhill speed when roadway goes out of sight (view NE) |

Road bends left, then curves right and drops steeply (view NE) |

Roadway goes steeply downhill and out of sight to the right (view E) |

Caution: steep slope and curve right (view SE) |

Caution: steep slope and curve to the left (view SE) |

Timber Pass Road straightens to run smooth and fast (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road passing a solar well pump (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road passing a dugout cattle tank, now dry (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road crosses White River Valley (view NE) |

Cattle guard on east side of White River Valley (view NE) |

Esplin Well Road (west triangle; view NW from Timber Pass Road) |

Esplin Well Road (east triangle; view NW from Timber Pass Road) |

Timber Pass Road runs up another valley (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road approaching another ranch road (view NE) |

Ranch road (view N from Timber Pass Road) |

Timber Pass Road into a side canyon (view NE) |

Caution: short sight distances ahead (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road climbs out of the side canyon (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road straightens to run smooth and fast (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road straightens to run smooth and fast (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road at cattle guard in Highway 318 fence (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road at directional sign (view NE) |

Directional sign (view NE) |

Timber Pass Road at Highway 318 fence (view NE) |