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White River Narrows Archeological District
Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site
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Amphitheater Site
White River Narrows Arch. District, Amphitheater Site (view W)


The White River Narrows Archeological District is an area of outstanding petroglyphs that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. There on one major site (Amphitheater) and four minor sites (Calendar Fence, Martian Home, Cane Site A, and Ash Hill) in this area.

Amphitheater is the major site in this area and is composed of three well-marked panels and several ancillary petroglyph panels (listed below). The rock stories here include unvarnished carved stone and typical petroglyphs pecked into desert varnish. Unfortunately, the panels here have been badly marked by vandals.

The BLM and Lincoln County opened this area to the public. The BLM printed a single-sheet flier, and Lincoln County printed a 55-page brochure with information about the site (including GPS coordinates) as part of their Get Primitive tourism campaign. Download the brochure from Lincoln County or snatch a copy here.

Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site trailhead sign in register box


The White River Narrows Archeological District is located about 131 miles north of Las Vegas along Highway 318. For location details and waypoints, see White River Narrows Archeological District Overview. When driving in from the pavement, Martian Home is about 1.5 miles out and the second site along White River Narrows Road. Stay off the unpaved road if it is muddy.

Link to Map.

Amphitheater Site
Sign in register and brochures
Amphitheater Site
Trail End: Near Hwy 318 looking back at trailhead (view SE)

First Panel: Unvarnished Wall. The unvarnished wall is interesting because here the artists carved into the rock -- they had no varnish to peck off. The glyphs here are mostly abstract, but there is one nice footprint. This is also the only site here where petroglyphs are carved above eye level.

Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site
Photographer at work
Amphitheater Site
Target and bullet holes

Second Panel: Corn and Agave

This small panel is very curious. I'm no expert, but I know of no other corn stalks and agave motifs in this region. This panel also seems to be organized rather than the miss-mash of glyphs usually seen. Signed by Carl Williams on Sept. 18, 1926, I wonder if Mr. Williams did the artwork?

There are differences between the workmanship of the "glyphs" and the the workmanship of the signature, so perhaps the corn and agave are real petroglyphs and represent the sharing of culture between people in this region and those in the 4-Corners area where such motifs are more common.

In about 2022, the powers that be determined that the name and date were added after the petroglyphs were created. As such, they removed the name and date from the panel. I'm not sure this was the right decision, but it is what it is.

Amphitheater Site
Panel before name and date were removed
Amphitheater Site
Panel before name and date were removed
Amphitheater Site
Panel after name and date were removed
Amphitheater Site
Panel after name and date were removed
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site

Third Panel: Long Varnished Wall

This long panel includes representational and abstract glyphs. Be sure to look around the corner on the right.

White River Narrows
Approaching the Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Entire Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Left and right sides of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Left side of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Left side of Long Varnished Wall, left edge
Amphitheater Site
Left side of Long Varnished Wall, left edge
Amphitheater Site
Left side of Long Varnished Wall, right edge
Amphitheater Site
Left side of Long Varnished Wall, center
White River Narrows
Left side of Long Varnished Wall, right edge
White River Narrows Archeological District
Left side of Long Varnished Wall (view SE)
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall, left edge
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall, right edge
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall (view SE)
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall (view SE)
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall (view W)
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall (view W)
White River Narrows
Right side of Long Varnished Wall (view W)
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall, right corner
Amphitheater Site
Right side of Long Varnished Wall, around right corner

Fourth Panel: Short Varnished Wall

This short panel includes representational and abstract glyphs. Be sure to look around the corner on the right.

Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
White River Narrows White River Narrows
Amphitheater Site more to come
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, right corner
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner, upper section
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner, upper section
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner, upper section
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner, upper section
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner, lower section
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner, lower section
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner, lower section
Amphitheater Site
Short Varnished Wall, around the right corner, lower section
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site

Ancillary Sites

Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site Amphitheater Site
Amphitheater Site
End of the trail (view SE towards trailhead)
Amphitheater Site
Hikers returning past the main sites (view SE)

Other Images

Amphitheater Site
Large ant hill
Amphitheater Site
Large ant hill

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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