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Corn Creek Visitor Center
Hiking Around Las Vegas, Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Corn Creek Field Station
Corn Creek
Entrance to the Visitor Center


Corn Creek Visitor Center, formerly Corn Creek Field Station because it is the field headquarters for the Desert National Wildlife Refuge, is a unit of the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Corn Creek is a tiny spot of green in a vast sea of desert-dry Mojave Desert Scrub. Springs provide water that supports trees, lush vegetation, desert wildlife, and even humans over the last few thousands of years. The ancients left their marks on the land, but most evidence of human use derives from pioneer and more recent times.

A visitor center, opened in February 2014, houses exhibits about the refuge, information about current conditions, and of course, a gift shop.

Link to Highway Map or Trail Map. Some of the trails are ADA compliant.

Corn Creek
Information desk inside the visitor center

Most of the habitat immediately surrounding Corn Creek is low-elevation Mojave Desert Scrub dominated by creosote bush, white bursage, fourwing saltbush, and a few Mojave yucca). This area is in the rain shadow of the Spring Mountains, so it gets less rain than average, even for a desert, and as a result, the vegetation is sparse and stunted.

Springs at Corn Creek provide water for a desert oasis supporting honey mesquite, cottonwood trees, and many other wetland plant species. Water from two of the springs was used by late-1800s homesteaders to support a farm, and these two springs still water the cement pond and the trees, grass, and orchards that remain, all of which provides habitat for birds and other wildlife. Historically, this has been a world-class birding destination, but recent changes have disrupted the habitat and birds; time will tell the degree to which they come back.

corn creek
The start of fun things out back

Getting to Corn Creek Field Station

Corn Creek Field Station is located northwest of Las Vegas on the Desert National Wildlife Refuge, about 30 minutes northwest of downtown Las Vegas.

From Las Vegas, drive north on Highway 95 about 30 minutes. Pass the turnoff to Mt. Charleston and pass the turnoff to the Las Vegas Paiute Indian Reservation (the highway goes under an overpass here). About 6 miles past the overpass, the turnoff to Corn Creek (Table 1, Site 0350) is marked by a small green refuge sign, a Corn Creek Road sign, and a well-graded, gravel road heading east across the desert. Turn right onto Corn Creek Road and drive east for 3.8 miles to the Visitor Center parking area (Site 0106), which is located on the far side of the Refuge headquarters and maintenance buildings. If space is available, park in the shade of the covered parking area.

Visitor Center Exterior

DNWR sign on Highway 95
Highway 95 at Corn Creek Road (view N)
Corn Creek Road
Corn Creek Road at refuge boundary (view E)
Corn Creek Road
Corn Creek Road entering the Field Station area (view E)
Corn Creek Road
Corn Creek Road at Visitor Center parking road (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Corn Creek Road, turning onto Visitor Center Road (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Uncovered parking on the left (view NW)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Drop-off "parking" on the right (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Drop-off "parking" (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Passing walkway to the visitor center (view NE)
Corn Creek Field Station
Entering the covered parking area (view W)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Walking back towards the visitor center (view E)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Walking towards the visitor center (view E)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Walking towards the visitor center (view E)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Walking towards the visitor center (view NE)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Visitor center entrance walkway (view NE)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Sign: info and map of the area (view NE)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Visitor center entrance walkway (view NE)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Visitor center entrance walkway (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Visitor center entrance walkway (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Approaching the visitor center entrance (view NE)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Visitor Center front door (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Entrance to the outside patio (view NE)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
On the right: restrooms and to-the-trails! (view E)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Outside patio with restrooms, water, and tables (view E)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Restrooms and drinking water, on the left (view E)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Porch wraps around the building to the trails (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Walkway to the trails (view N)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Sunset at Corn Creek Visitor Center (view NE)

Visitor Center Interior

Corn Creek Visitor Center
Open Hours posted on the front door (check online for updates)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Information desk
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Information desk and door to the gift shop
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Exhibit about bighorn sheep
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Exhibit hall
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Exhibit hall
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Changing Exhibit Gallery
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Artist's Statement by Bobbie Ann Howell
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Cut paper artwork by Bobbie Ann Howell
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Cut paper artwork by Bobbie Ann Howell
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Cut paper artwork by Bobbie Ann Howell
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Cut paper artwork by Bobbie Ann Howell
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Cut paper artwork by Bobbie Ann Howell
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Exhibit hall
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Exhibit hall
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Looking out the back windows
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Gift shop

The Good Stuff Out Back

Corn Creek Visitor Center
Start of the trails behind the visitor center (view NE)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Start of the trails (view NE from visitor center side porch)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Start of the trails (view NE from visitor center side porch)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Approaching the Cement Pond (view W)
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Cement pond during summer
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Cement pond during winter
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Family on trail
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Pupfish refugium
Corn Creek Visitor Center
Historic railroad-tie cabin
Corn Creek Visitor Center

Table 1. Highway Coordinates Based on GPS Data (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Highway GPS Waypoints (*.gpx) file.

Site # Location UTM Easting UTM Northing Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Elevation (ft) Verified
0106 Corn Creek Parking Area 647225 4033632 36.43845 115.35745 2,814 Yes
0350 Hwy 95 at Corn Creek Rd 641416 4032155 36.42601 115.42251 3,050 Yes

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 250311

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