Open, not-so-deep canyon |

Crossing the water |

Side trip to a box canyon |

Narrow canyon walls |

Crossing the creek -- again |

Water and trees |

Jacob Hamblin Arch |

Jacob Hamblin Arch |

Jacob Hamblin Arch |

Inside the alcove, looking back at the fin of Jacob Hamblin
Arch |

Campsite in alcove |

Campsite in alcove along the creek |

Two-seat, composting outhouse downstream from the arch |

A family of seven noisy Common Ravens wanted our food |

Spring Snail in side canyon |

Water beetle (probably Family Dytiscidae) |

Mancos Columbine (Aquilegia micrantha) |

Gilia Beardtongue (Penstemon ambiguus) |

Spring with good water downstream from Jacob Hamblin Arch |

Firefly by the spring (Lampyridae, Photuris lucicrescens) |