Front Porch - Dining Room at Green Castle Estate |
January 07. Miami to Jamaica. Arrive Montego Bay, drive to Annotto Bay.
We had a pleasantly uneventful flight from Miami to Montego Bay. After negotiating customs and immigration, we were met by Herlitz at the airport. We met another couple and Matt there, then met the rest of the group at Sugar Mill B&B. They were off eating lunch, so we had a chance to bird the yard and were thrilled by Loggerhead Kingbirds (very common and seen everywhere), Vervain Hummingbirds (among the smallest hummingbirds), Red-billed Streamertails (hummingbirds with extreme tail feathers), Orange-faced Grassquits, and other amazing birds.
From Sugar Mill, we headed east along the North Shore Highway, arriving at Green Castle Estate in time to relax for a few minutes before dinner. After dark, we set out to find a Northern Potoo, but we found one in the tree adjacent to the front porch, so we canceled the hike and played with frogs and toads in the yard. |