January 12. Copse to Black River.
We birded the Copse coffee plantation in the morning, finding such species as Jamaican Lizard Cuckoos, Antillean Palm Swifts, Jamaican Becard, Jamaican Elaenia, and Cave Swallows. We even went into the mouth of the Cave Swallow's cave and saw dozens of Jamaican Fruit Bats hanging from the ceiling watching us!
In the afternoon, we drove south to the coast and stayed in a hotel on the shore. We were dismayed to find that the owner kept illegal birds in cages on the property. While there, we birded the shore (Magnificent Frigatebirds, Laughing Gulls, Royal Terns) and saltwater ponds just back from the shore with Red Mangroves along the shoreline. There we saw crocodiles, Blue-winged Teal, and lots of familiar shorebird species, including Black-necked Stilts and Wilson's Plovers. |