General: Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) are large, columnar cactus with upward pointing branches.
There are thought to be a few saguaro in California and one or two in Nevada, but they are common and a signature plant of in Arizona. Saguaro don't occur naturally around Las Vegas, but they are used for landscaping. Look for this species around Reid International Airport, North Las Vegas Airport, flood control basins, and other municipal areas. |
Family: Cactus (Cactaceae).
Other Names:
Plant Form: Usually one upright stem with several long, upright arms.
Height: To about 45 feet.
Trunk: Single, cylindrical stem; to about 2-feet diameter. |
Stems: Not regularly segmented.
Stem Surface: Ribs.
Spines: Largest spines smooth or longitudinally ridged; spines generally < 2 mm diam near base. Central spines 4-7 per areole. Usually 15-30 spines total per areole.
Glochids: None.
Flowers: Blooms at night, flower to about 6-inches diameter, white. |
Seeds: Black to reddish-brown.
Habitat: Rocky hillsides, desert flats.
Distribution: Southeastern California and southern Arizona, south into Mexico.
Elevation: To about 4,500 feet.
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