General: Lineleaf Whitepuff (Oligomeris linifolia) is an upright annual forb with linear, somewhat fleshy leaves. The flowers are small and white, forming white capsules that remain on the plant for some time.
Lineleaf Whitepuff is an uncommon component of desert vegetation communities on sandy and silty alkaline soils. Around Las Vegas, look for this species on dry, alkali flats in the bottom of Death Valley. |
Family: Mignonette (Resedaceae).
Other Names:
Plant Form: Upright, herbaceous annual with stems arising from base.
Height: To about 15 inches. |
Stems: Several, short, spreading.
Leaves: Linear, sessile, to about 2 inches.
Flowers: Blooms in the spring. Tiny, two white petals.
Seeds: |
Habitat: Sandy and silty, alkaline soils from the ocean to the desert.
Elevation: To about 2,500 feet.
Distribution: California to Texas and south into Mexico, also Eurasia.
Comments: There are 6 general and some 70 species in the family, but only three species in North America, and only one in the desert southwest. |