General: Hairybeast Turtleback (Psathyrotes pilifera) is a low, rounded, blue-gray annual forb with hairy leaves. The rayless flowers are yellow.
Hairybeast Turtleback is an uncommon component of desert vegetation communities on silty alkaline soils. Around Las Vegas, look for this species on the north shore of Lake Mead, the only place where I know it grows.
Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae).
Other Names: Piliferous turtleback, hairy-beast turtleback, hairybeast brittlestem. |
Plant Form: Low, mounded annual; densely branched with dense leaves.
Height: Usually about 6 inches.
Stems: Short.
Leaves: alternate, hairy; blade oval with a pointed tip, entire, long hairs.
Flowers: Inflorescence: discoid (rayless) heads, arising from leaf axils. Flowers many per bundle, tubular, yellow. |
Seeds: Achene.
Habitat: Silty alkaline desert flats.
Elevation: About 1,000 to 6,000 ft.
Distribution: Clark County Nevada, southern Utah, and northern Arizona.
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