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Clustered Broom-rape (Aphyllon fasciculatum)
Perennial Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Clustered Broom-rape (Orobanche fasciculatum)

General: Clustered Broom-rape (Aphyllon fasciculatum) is a parasitic plant that has no chlorophyll. Broom-rape attaches to the roots of other plants and sucks sugars and nutrients from them. Clustered Broom-rape has no above ground stems; only the flowers, flowers stalks, and a few bracts emerge to a few inches above ground. The flowers are tubular and bent, ranging in color from yellow to purplish.

Clustered Broom-rape is an uncommon component of vegetation communities in dry, well-drained soils on in the lower mountains (Pinyon-Juniper Woodland) and Transition (Yellow Pine Forest) life zones.

Family: Broom-rape family (Orobanchaceae).

Other Names: Formerly Orobanche fasciculata.

Plant Form: Upright flower stems emerging from the ground.

Clustered Broom-rape (Orobanche fasciculatum)

Height: To about 4 inches.

Stems: None.

Leaves: None.

Flowers: Tubular, yellow to purplish.


Habitat: Forested slopes in the mountains.

Elevation: To about 10,000 feet.

Distribution: Western North America.


Clustered Broom-rape (Aphyllon fasciculatum)
Clustered Broom-rape flowers emerging from the ground
Clustered Broom-rape (Aphyllon fasciculatum)
Clustered Broom-rape: only the flowers appear aboveground
Clustered Broom-rape (Aphyllon fasciculatum)
Fresh Clustered Broom-rape flowers
Clustered Broom-rape (Aphyllon fasciculatum)
Aging Clustered Broom-rape flowers from the side
Clustered Broom-rape (Aphyllon fasciculatum)
Aging Clustered Broom-rape flowers from the top
Clustered Broom-rape (Aphyllon fasciculatum)
Dried Clustered Broom-rape flowers

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 220813

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