General: Charleston Phacelia (Phacelia hastata var. charlestonensis) is a perennial forb that only grows in southern Nevada. The leaves are prostrate, oval, hairy, and strongly veined, and the inflorescence is a fluffy ball of small purplish flowers.
Charleston Phacelia is a fairly common component of vegetation communities in dry, well-drained gravelly soils in the mountains of southern Nevada in the Upper Sonoran (Pinyon-Juniper Woodland), Transition (Yellow Pine Forest), Canadian (Pine-Fir Forest), and Hudsonian (Bristlecone Pine Forest) life zones.
Around Las Vegas, look for Charleston Phacelia throughout the Spring Mountains in places such as the Mary Jane Falls Trail, the Bristlecone Trail, and the Bonanza Peak Trail. Family: Waterleaf (Hydrophyllaceae). |