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Non-Vascular Plants Around Las Vegas
Vegetation Around Las Vegas, Species Index
Sorted by Common Name.
Common Scientific Family Form
Biological Soil Crust (Cryptobiotic Crusts) Assemblage of many species Many families Non-vascular
Filamentous algae Spirogyra spp. Order Zygnematales Non-vascular, Aquatic
Fungus, Black Morel Mushrooms Morchella elata Morchellaceae Non-vascular
Fungus, Desert Shaggy Mane Mushroom Podaxis pistillaris Agaricaceae Non-vascular
Fungus, Montagnea Montagnea spp. Agaricaceae Non-vascular
Fungus, Stalkballs (Stalked Puffballs) Tulostoma spp. Agaricaceae Non-vascular
Fungus, Shelf Fungus Many species Many families Non-vascular
Lichens Many species Many families Non-vascular
Liverwort, Thallose Liverwort Many species Several Orders Non-vascular
Moss Many species Many families Non-vascular
Slime Mold Many species Many families Non-vascular
Stonewort Chara spp. Characeae Non-vascular, Aquatic

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 240623

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