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Great Plains Toad (Anaxyrus cognatus)
Amphibians Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Great Plains Toad (Bufo cognatus)

General Description: Great Plains Toads (Anaxyrus cognatus) are medium sized toads with paired dark blotches on the back. The dark blotches are ringed with light edges. Sometimes there is a light stripe down the center of the back. The cranial crests converge towards the nose and unite to form a boss. There is a well-developed spade on the hind feet. Belly white and more or less unmarked. Males have a dark vocal pouch.

Taxonomy: Order Frogs and Toads (Anura); Family True Toads (Bufonidae). Formerly Bufo cognatus.

Technical Description: Body size medium (to 4.5 inches). Dorsal color light. Blotches dark with light edges, usually in symmetric pairs. Cranial crests form a V between the eyes, then diverge posteriorly between the eye and parotid gland. Inner tubercles on hind feet sharp edged. May have a narrow, dorsal stripe. Ventral color white, usually unmarked. In males, vocal sack is sausage-shaped, large.

Great Plains Toad (Bufo cognatus)

Diet: Insects.

Habitat: Various habitats from prairies to deserts.

Range: This species occurs throughout the Great Plains and along the southern states west to the east edge of California. In Nevada, this species occurs in the Pahranagat Valley and along the Colorado River.

Breeding: Breeds after summer rains in quiet water during spring to fall. Amplexis pectoral.

Great Plains Toad (Bufo cognatus)

Similar Species: Young have red spots like Red-spotted Toads. No other species has symmetrical spots and prominent cranial crests.


Great Plains Toad (Anaxyrus cognatus) Great Plains Toad (Anaxyrus cognatus)
Great Plains Toad (Anaxyrus cognatus) Great Plains Toad (Anaxyrus cognatus)
The hind foot has a well developed spade
Males have dark vocal sacks
Great Plains Toad (Anaxyrus cognatus)
The cranial crests converge anteriorly to form a V on the forehead
Great Plains Toad (Anaxyrus cognatus)
Dark blotches occur in lateral pairs and have light borders

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 221114

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