Black-crowned Night-Heron, breeding adult |
General Description: Black-crowned Night-Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) are medium-sized herons. They are light gray overall, with dark gray on the wings, black on the back, and black on the top of the head. The eye is red. Both sexes have yellow-green legs. In breeding season, they get two white, thread-like plumes on the back of the head, and the legs turn pink.
Adults Black-crowned Night-Herons are uniquely patterned in our area, but immature Night-Herons might be confused with American Bitterns. Both are brown with streaky backs and underparts and pale-spotted wings, but American Bitterns have black on the neck. Immature Night Herons acquire adult plumage in their third year.
Taxonomy: Pelecaniformes, Ardeidae
Favored Habitat: Ponds with shallow edges and marshes. |