General Description: Swainson's Hawks (Buteo swainsoni) are medium-sized, soaring hawks with relatively long and pointed wings; very dark wings, back, and head; a light throat; and a lightly banded tail. There are three morphs with different underwing and breast colors: dark, intermediate, and light. Dark birds are almost black on the body and underwings. Intermediate birds are red on the front with dark wings and light wing-linings. Light birds might be mostly white under. In flight, the dark primary feathers usually contrast with the lighter wing-linings. The leg feathers are dark red in dark and intermediate birds.
Taxonomy: Accipitriformes, Accipitridae.
Favored Habitat: Open grasslands and shrublands. |
Where to Find: Swainson's Hawks spend the breeding season in North America (northern Mexico to Alaska), and spend the winter in South America (Argentina). Watch for these hawks during migration and in areas with open grasslands such as the Pahranagat Valley, Overton, and other agricultural areas around Las Vegas.
Comments: During the breeding season, Swainson's Hawks mostly eat small mammals, birds, lizards, and snakes. During the non-breeding season, they eat flying insects (e.g., grasshoppers and dragonflies). |