General Description: Dunlin (Calidris alpina) are the small, short-legged shorebirds with a long bill and distinct summer and winter plumages. In summer, they are reddish-brown above and light below, with a striped front and a big, black belly patch. In winter, Dunlin are brown above and white below, with a dark brown front. In all plumages, the bill is long, black, and slightly decurved at the tip; and the legs are black.
Taxonomy: Charadriiformes, Scolopacidae, Scolopacinae.
Favored Habitat: Mud flats and sandy shorelines. |
Where to Find: Dunlin are uncommon migrants around Las Vegas. Keep an eye out for them while birding places like Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge, the Overton Wildlife Management Area, and the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve.
Otherwise, look for Dunlin during summer in the high arctic or during winter on trips to the coast where they can be found along both coasts of North America.
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