General Description: Gila Woodpeckers (Melanerpes uropygialis) are medium-sized woodpeckers of the Saguaro Cactus woodlands of southern Arizona and points southward into Mexico. The back has black-and-white bars, and the head, neck, and underparts are brown. Males have a fancy red cap on the top of the head.
Taxonomy: Piciformes, Picidae, Picinae.
Favored Habitat: Saguaro woodlands.
Where to Find: Don't look for Gila Woodpeckers around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them on trips to southern Arizona, the southeast corner of California, and southward.
Gila Woodpecker male
Gila Woodpecker male with a red cap
Gila Woodpecker male bathing
Gila Woodpecker male: note yellow belly
Gila Woodpecker female
Gila Woodpecker female
Gila Woodpecker female: note yellow belly
Gila Woodpecker female
Gila Woodpeckers on agave stalk
Gila Woodpecker pair on seed feeder
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. ; Last updated 240117