General Description: Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) are tiny gray birds with a thin, pointy beak. The top of the head and throat are solid black, and the face is white. The common chickadee around Las Vegas is the Mountain Chickadee, which has a white eyebrow line in the black cap.
Taxonomy: Passeriformes, Paridae.
Favored Habitat: Oak or piney woods (e.g., Pine-Fir Forest) in the mountains, but also at lower elevations especially during winter.
Where to Find: Around Las Vegas, look for Black-capped Chickadees in the mountains north of town and in places like Zion National Park where they are common residents in forested areas.
If you were a tasty bug or a little caterpillar, this might be the last face you ever see!
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. ; Last updated 240122