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Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps)
Birds Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps)

General Description: Verdins (Auriparus flaviceps) are tiny birds with yellow heads, gray bodies, and a chestnut shoulder patch. The yellow seems to fade during winter, and juveniles lack yellow.

Taxonomy: Passeriformes, Remizidae.

Favored Habitat: Brushy places, yards.

Where to Find: Verdins seem to occur everywhere, but they are hard to find anywhere. The Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve is one of the best places to be sure of seeing one. Suburban yards and urban parks can be productive.

Comments: Verdins make big, covered nests (at least big for such a tiny bird). Their summer nests are open and airy, but the winter nests are tightly woven and packed with warm nesting materials (such as the downy feathers of other birds).

Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps)

Adult Verdin with yellow head, chestnut shoulder patch, and although you can't tell from here, a big voice.

Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) If you were a little bug, this might be the last face you'd ever see!
Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps)
Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps)
Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) verd
Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps)
Verdin nest in paloverde tree
Verdin (Auriparus flaviceps)
Verdin nest in Honey Mesquite

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240122

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