General Description: Ruby-crowned Kinglets (Regulus calendula) are tiny gray birds with a thin, pointy beak and black and white wingbars. If you are lucky, you might get flashed with brilliant-red crown feathers that usually are concealed beneath the gray feathers. During the breeding season, they get a bit of yellow on the wings, sides, and belly.
Taxonomy: Passeriformes, Regulidae.
Favored Habitat: Desert and urban areas.
Where to Find: Ruby-crowned Kinglets are winter visitors to the deserts, but they breed in the local mountains. Look for them at Corn Creek and in city parks during winter, and up on Mt. Charleston during summer.
Comments: Ruby-crowned Kinglets have an amazingly loud voice.
If you were a little bug, this might be the last face you'd ever see!
two white wingbars, both of which are followed by a black wingbar
In typical form, this Ruby-crowned Kinglet hides its ruby crown
Ruby-crowned Kinglet: I wonder if that looks tasty?
Ruby-crowned Kinglet: maybe not tasty
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. ; Last updated 240123