General Description: Yellow-breasted Chats (Icteria virens) are the largest North American warbler. They are sexually monomorphic. The head and back are dark, the breast is bright yellow, and the belly is white. There is a bold white eyebrow line with a broken eyering. During spring, these birds sing a loud, noisy, and long jumble of calls and notes. The "chatter" gives away their presence and location, but they can be very difficult to see.
Taxonomy: Passeriformes, Parulidae.
Favored Habitat: Wet areas with shrubs. |
Where to Find: This is an uncommon species, so don't expect to find them around Las Vegas, but keep an eye out for them at Corn Creek, Floyd Lamb State Park, Willow Springs, Clark County Wetlands Park, and the Henderson BVP.
Comments: Listen for their "chatter" in thickets or high in leafy trees. |