General Description: Lawrence's Goldfinches (Spinus lawrencei) are small, sexually dimorphic finches. In males, the body is gray with a black face and yellow patch on the front. The wings are black with bold yellow wingbars. Females are similar, but lack the black face.
Taxonomy: Passeriformes, Fringillidae, Carduelinae.
Favored Habitat: Open woods, brushy places, and weedy fields along the coast of California, southern Arizona, and south into Baja California. |
Where to Find: Don't look for Lawrence's Goldfinches around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them in California and Arizona. Around Las Vegas, keep an eye out for them during migration in weedy places like Corn Creek and Mt. Charleston.
Comments: Lawrence's Goldfinch move erratically from breeding place to breeding place rather than use particular areas. This likely is in response to variations in the supply of annual plant seeds, the main item in their diet. |