General Description: Moapa White River Springfish (Crenichthys baileyi moapae) grow to 2-3 inches long and can be identified by the dorsal fin set far back (above the anal fin), no pelvic fins, and two horizontal black stripes with an olive back and white belly.
Technical Description: A small (total length: 5-7 cm [2-3 in.]), deep-bodied fish with a large, steeply-sloping head; a small terminal mouth; dorsal and anal fins that are set far back on the body (almost on the tail); and no pelvic fins. The dorsal surface is dark olive to dusky, the sides are silvery with two rows of dark spots (that may form lines), and the ventral surface is yellowish to whitish. The tail is square, rather than forked. During breeding season, males develop bright colors. |
Taxonomy: Splitfin Family (Goodeidae)
Diet: Primarily herbivorous. Feeds on filamentous algae and small aquatic invertebrates.
Favored Habitat: Spring pools, pools and backwater in spring outflows, of the upper Muddy River. More abundant in and near the springs than in the river. |