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Hover Flies (Family Syrphidae)
(Class Insecta, Order Diptera)
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Hover Flies (Family Syrphidae)

General: Hover Flies (Family Syrphidae), also called Flower Flies and Syrphid Flies, are a diverse group of flies that have color patterns that match, or mimic, wasps and bees. These flies are often seen hovering in midair or hovering over flowers. Adults feed on nectar, and many species have larvae that eat aphids. As such, they are important pollinators and important natural control for harmful aphids.

Hover Flies (Family Syrphidae)
Hover Fly drinking at a spring
Hover Flies (Family Syrphidae)
Flower Fly (Syrphidae), wasp mimic
Hover Flies (Family Syrphidae)
Flower Fly (Syrphidae), wasp mimic
Hover Flies (Family Syrphidae)
Flower Fly (Syrphidae), wasp mimic

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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