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Moths Around Las Vegas
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas

Moths (Taxonomic Order: Lepidoptera; or commonly "Lepidopterans") are insects with two pairs of membranous wings. Moths tend to be drably colored, fly at night, and have long, feathery antennae. Moths tend to rest with their wings folded over their body (like a pup-tent) or spread out flat against the substrate.

Adult moths may or may not feed, but they all fly, mate, and lay eggs. Many species are quite specific in their needs; they will only feed and lay eggs on certain species of plants. The eggs hatch into caterpillars, which range from big and green to small and hairy and everything in between. Caterpillars feed, grow, and then become dormant, forming in a silken cocoon or just hiding in the soil. While dormant, they (now a pupa) metamorphose into the adult form, then "hatch" into a fully formed adult ... and the cycle of life repeats.

While some species of Lepidopterans are agricultural pests, most are harmless. Lepidopterans function in the desert ecosystem as important pollinators and important food sources for a variety of mammals (especially bats), birds (especially nighthawks and owls), and amphibians.

There are many species of moths around Las Vegas. I have no intention of listing them all; my intent is to present a few interesting species that caught my eye. Follow the links below to moths I can identify.

For More Information: See the Butterflies and Moths website.

Photo Family Family Common Name
Arctiidae, Gnophaela vermiculata Arctiidae

Tiger Moths and Lichen Moths

California Tiger Moth (Leptarctia californiae)
Red Tiger Moth (Lycomorpha fulgens)
Gnophaela vermiculata (Gnophaela vermiculata)

Arctiidae Geometridae

Geometrid Moths

Geometrid Moths

Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth) Lymantriidae

Tussock Moths

Spongy Moth, formerly Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar)

Western Tent Moth (Malacosoma californicum fragile)

Western Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma californicum fragile)

Micromoth Microlepidoptera (not a formal taxonomic group)

Micro Moths

Micro Moth

Noctuidae Noctuidae

Owlet Moths, Miller Moths

Owlet Moth

Notodontidae Notodontidae



Creosote Bush Bagworm (Thyridopteryx meadii) Psychidae


Creosote Bush Bagworm (Thyridopteryx meadii)

Saturniidae Saturniidae

Wild Silk Moths

Burn's Buckmoth (Hemileuca burnsi)
Tricolor Buckmoth (Hemileuca tricolor)
Wild Silk Moth (Family Saturniidae)

Sphingidae Sphingidae

Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths

White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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