General: Damselflies (Suborder Zygoptera) are small, blue, dragonfly-like creatures often seen zooming and hovering around streams and pools of water. At rest, most damselflies usually hold their wings together and folded over the body; this is in contrast to dragonflies that rest with the wings held outstretched. In addition, the eyes of damselflies are separate (almost on stalks), while those of dragonflies are combined into the top of the head.
What we know as damselflies are the adult forms of these bugs; larval damselflies are aquatic bugs.
These active creatures are harmless to humans, but they are voracious predators of small flying insects such as flies and mosquitoes. There are some good places for Watching Dragonflies and Damselflies Around Las Vegas.
Taxonomy: Order Odonata, Suborder Zygoptera. |