General: California Sea Lions (Zalophus californicus) are large eared seals of the North Pacific. Members of the Family Otariidae, the Eared Seals, are distinguished by their external (but small) ear pinnae, and their hind flippers that can be turned forward, which is helpful for walking on land. The Earless Seals (Family Phocidae), such as harbor seals, lack both of these features.
California Sea Lion males are larger than females. Females grow to about 6-ft long and weigh up to 200 pounds; males grow to about 8 feet and weight up to 600 pounds. The color is dark brown, almost black when wet. The forehead is high, forming a prominent brow (compare with Steller Sea Lions). Californias are the sea lions that bark incessantly.
Taxonomy: Order Carnivora: Carnivores; Family Otariidae, Eared Seals |