Description: Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) are medium-sized, gray tree squirrels with long, bushy gray tails. Usually, the dorsum is gray, washed with yellowish or orange, and the belly is white. Color, however, is variable, with very dark or black individuals in some areas, and white or albino squirrels in others. The tail is broad and flattened, with many black hairs mixed in and white edges.
The head and body are 9-11 inches long, and the tail adds another 6-10 inches. Eastern Gray Squirrels tend to be larger in northern areas. Sexes similar, except eight teats may be seen in lactating females (usual litter size is only 2-3).
Taxonomy: Rodentia, Sciuridae. |
Habitat: Eastern hardwood forests from sea level up into the higher forests. Look for them especially in city parks.
Where to Find: Don't look for this species around Las Vegas; rather, look for them in in the eastern US. In particular, look for them in wild areas and city parks, such at Hammock Park, in Florida. They can also be found in London. |