Description: Belding's Ground Squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi) are medium-sized, day-active ground squirrels with a head and body of 8-9 inches, and a tail of 3-5 inches. The pelage is speckled gray overall with a bit of rust down the center of the back.
The tail is reddish with a black tip.
Habitat: Belding's Ground Squirrels are creatures of meadow areas and fields where plenty of green vegetation is available. They can be pests in farm country.
Taxonomy: formerly Spermophilus beldingi. |
Where to Find: Don't look for Belding's Ground Squirrels around Las Vegas, rather, look for them in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, and farther north at lower elevations in northeast California, southeast Oregon, southwest Idaho, the northwest corner of Utah, and northern Nevada.
Comments: For more information, see the Animal Diversity Website. |