General: Red Squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), also known as Chickarees, are small tree squirrels that are very active and spend most of their time chattering in the trees while cutting green pine and fir cones, harvesting the seeds, and storing them for the winter. Red Squirrels are small tree squirrels, growing to about 12-inches long (head and body 7-8 inches, tail 4-6 inches). During summer, these squirrels are grayish with some rust on the back, a black line on the side, and white on the belly. During winter, they lose the rust and black line, and are more gray overall. The ears have a bit of a hair tuft (especially during winter), and the eyes have a bold eyering. The tail is bushy, usually edged with white.
Also known as: Pine Squirrel, Barking Squirrel, Mountain Boomer, Boomer. |
Distribution: Red Squirrels are a species of the great northern forests (taiga), but also occur in the forested upper Midwest and northeastern U.S. They come farther south at higher elevations in the Rocky Mountains and can be found as far south as northern Arizona and northern New Mexico. Around Las Vegas, look for this species at higher elevations in Zion National Park and the Grand Canyon.
Habitat: Forest habitats with conifer trees.
Similar Species: Douglas' Squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasii) look similar, but are less reddish and have an orange belly during summer, and they live to the west of Las Vegas in places like Yosemite National Park. |