Identification: Hispid Cotton Rats (Sigmodon hispidus) are medium-sized rodents of grassy places with coarse, salt-and-pepper streaked fur and a white belly. The ears are short and nearly hidden by the fur. Short hairs on the tail. Body length: 5-8 inches (males larger than females); tail length: 3-6 inches; weight: to almost 1/2 pound.
Preferred Habitat: Marshes and deep grassy places near water throughout the southeastern U.S. and south into Mexico.
Where to Find: Don't look for Hispid Cotton Rats around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them across the southeastern U.S. However, they are expanding their range north and westward, and populations are established in the lower Colorado River area and Imperial Valley. It is likely a matter of time before we have them here.
Comments: In addition to their normal diet of grass, it appears that they like taste treats that fall from bird feeders. |