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Desert Nightsnake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)
Snakes Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Desert Nightsnake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)

General Description: Desert Nightsnakes (Hypsiglena chlorophaea) are small, tan or light brown snakes with dark brown, irregular blotches down the back. They usually also have large dark spots on both sides of the neck, but sometimes the spots merge to form a dark band, and occasionally they are absent. The head is pointy and triangular. The eyes bulge out, and the pupils are vertical in bright light.

Taxonomy: Colubrid Snakes Family (Colubridae). Formerly Hypsiglena torquata.

Technical Description:


Desert Nightsnake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)

Habitat: Desert Nightsnakes occur in a variety of habitats, including rocky and sandy areas from the desert flats to mountain meadows.

Range: Distributed widely across the southern and western U.S. from eastern Washington and eastern California to western Oklahoma and western Texas, south into southern Mexico.


Similar Species:

Comments: Desert Nightsnakes are venomous, but they have fangs in the back of the mouth, and it is unlikely that they would be a problem for a human.

Night Snake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea) Night Snake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)
Night Snake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)
found by Nicholas Grenier near dawn in early June in Creosote scrub
Night Snake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)
Desert Night Snake in the hand
Night Snake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea) Night Snake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)
Night Snake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)
Vertical pupils in bright light
Night Snake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)
In dim light, pupils open wide and appear round like other snakes

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 231231

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