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Birding Around Portal Town
Birding Around Las Vegas, Favorite Places Far Away
Portal Town
Portal Town
Downtown Portal, Arizona (view S)


Portal is the town at the base of the mountains on the east side of the Chiricahua Mountains. The people who live there have a good thing going, and some of them even share it with the rest of us. Walk the main road (S Rock House Road) south through town birding the trees and yards, but stay on the public road. Be sure to follow the dirt road beyond the post office, as some homeowners down there put out seed and nectar, making this a great place to see hummingbirds.

Just east of downtown on Portal Road, the road crosses Cave Creek Wash. The bridge can be a good area to spot desert birds.

Stop to eat at the Portal Store (2358 S Rock House Rd, Portal, AZ 85632) where they have good food and wifi for patrons (ask for the password). The library provides free wifi. At night, listen for Elf Owls and watch for them on telephone wires in town.

Link to Portal Town Map.

Portal Town
Portal Store - Cafe and Lodge (view SE)
Portal Town
Outside seating at the Portal Store (view NW)
Portal Town
Portal Store front door
Portal Town
Portal Store hours (April 2024)
Portal Town
When looking for Elf Owls, watch for Javelina too
Portal Town
Starting to walk down S Rock House Road (view S)
Portal Town
S Rock House Road (view SW)
Portal Town
S Rock House Road stays left (view SW)
Portal Town
S Rock House Road (view SW)
Portal TownS Rock House Road approaching the Post Office (view SW)
Portal Town
Library (left) and Post Office (right) (view NW)
Portal Town
Library (left), Post Office (right), and trees with birds
Portal Town
S Rock House Road becomes dirt past the Post Office (view SW)
Portal Town
Sign at start of dirt S Rock House Road; "Walkers Welcome"
Portal Town
Yard with feeders past post office
Portal Town
Yard with feeders past post office
Portal Town
Yard with feeders past post office
Portal Town
Broad-billed Hummingbird at feeder
Portal Town
Bullock's Oriole at nectar feeder
Portal Town
Yard with feeders past post office
Portal Town
Curve-billed Thrasher at seed feeder
Portal Town
Lazuli Bunting and Curve-billed Thrasher at seed feeder
Portal Town
Bud and Debb's Bird Haven near the end of the public road
Portal Town
Bud and Debb's Bird Haven Place
Portal Town
Bird Haven backyard
Portal Town
Feeders at Bird Haven
Portal Town
Seed Fund box. $5 seems to be the going rate.
Portal Town
Lesser Goldfinch and Pine Siskin on thistle feeder
Portal Town
Blue-throated Mountain-gem at nectar feeder
Portal Town
Scott's Oriole at jelly feeder
Portal Town
Hooded Oriole at jelly feeder
Portal Town
Lesser Goldfinch at jelly feeder
Portal Town
Lesser Goldfinch and Pine Siskin on drinker
Portal Town
Bird Haven front yard with nectar feeders

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240608

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