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Fire Station Hill Loop Trail
Hiking Around Las Vegas, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
Fire Station Hill Loop
Fire Station Hill Loop
Trailhead (gate through fence; view W)


A number of nice use-trails have become established in the Red Rock Canyon Campground Area. The Fire Station Hill Loop (3.01 miles round trip) runs west from the public trailhead, then makes a big loop out behind the fire station, climbing onto a peak with grand views. This is the hardest of the Campground Area Loops, but the expansive views make it worth it, and there is a nice cactus garden atop Fire Station Hill. The trail continues down the other side of the mountain and returns to the paved road. Hikers can return over the pavement or continue across the road and use other trails to return to the trailhead.

After hiking this loop, consider hiking one of the other short or long loops in the campground area. This hike is nice because it is close to town and not on the Scenic Loop Drive. This makes it free, a quick little get away from town, and it minimizes time driving to and from the trailhead.

Link to map or elevation profile.

Fire Station Hill Loop
Hiker departing the trailhead (view W)

Watch Out

Other than the standard warnings about hiking in the desert, ...this hike is about as safe as hiking in the desert can be, but watch out for dog poop near the trailhead.

While hiking, please respect the land and the other people out there, and please try to Leave No Trace of your passage. Also, even though this hike is short and close to civilization, be sure to bring what you need of the 10 Essentials. Please pick up after your pet too.

Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker staying right on the longer, less steep trail (view W)

Getting to the Trailhead

This hike is located in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, about 30 minutes from town, but not on the Scenic Loop Road. For non-campers, drive out West Charleston Blvd to the Moenkopi Road Trailhead, which is located along the Moenkopi Road. Park here; this is the trailhead.

For campers, continue into the campground, park at your campsite, then walk out into the desert and pick up the trails.

Fire Station Hill Trail
The trail crosses an old road staying left (view NW)

The Hike

Fire Station Hill Loop Trail is a loop, so hikers can walk it in either direction, but as described here, the trail departs the trailhead heading west into the open desert. Alternatively, hikers could walk farther up Moenkopi Road and do the loop in the other direction.

From the trailhead (Table 1, Waypoint 01), two trails runs west across a flat, sparsely vegetated area. The Fire Station Hill Loop Trail can start on either trail, but as described here, this hike takes the right trail. Starting to the right makes for a slightly longer, less steep route, while the left trail is a bit shorter and steeper.

Continuing on the right trail, hikers soon arrive at an old road (Wpt. 02) that cuts diagonally (SE-NW) across the area. The Fire Station Hill Loop Trail cuts across the old road and continues west on bluff overlooking Red Rock Wash.

Fire Station Hill Trail
Traversing a lightly vegetated area (view W)

Staying atop the bluffs, the trail continues west and shortly becomes well defined as it follows an old two-track road with some nice views to the north and west.

Through here, the vegetation is typical Mojave Desert Scrub habitat type with lots of creosote bush and white bursage, plus Mojave yucca, Eastern Joshua trees, Nevada ephedra, spiny menodora, and galleta grass. Also watch for beavertail cactus and cottontop cactus.

The old road eventually bends left to head more due south. Shortly after the bend, the old road ends and a regular trail continues. The trail passes a junction (Wpt. 05) with the Campground Wash Loop Trail (on the right) and continues heading uphill to the south.

At about 0.79 miles out, the trail reaches a junction (Wpt. 06) with the other trail that departed the trailhead westbound. Using that trail would have saved hikers about 0.1 miles.

Fire Station Hill Trail
There are a few Eastern Joshua Trees in this area (view W)

At about 0.93 miles out, the trail intersects an old road (Wpt. 07) coming up from the Fire Station. The route bends right and heads southwest up the road. A minute or two farther along, the trail merges with another old road (0.96 miles out; Wpt. 08), also coming up from the Fire Station, and the trail continues southwest and uphill.

The old road ends (0.98 miles out; Wpt. 09), but a constructed trail edged with white rock starts up the ridge and heads south towards the summit of Fire Station Hill. About 1.15 miles out, the trail passes an enormous cairn (Wpt. 10). There is a bit of a hilltop here, but the meaning of the cairn remains mysterious. In the area, there are lots of California barrel cactus, cottontop cactus, and Engelmann's Hedgehog Cactus.

Beyond the cairn, the trail continues up the ridge, climbing somewhat steeply now. The trail passes some interesting Paleozoic fossil outcrops and arrives at the summit (1.38 miles out; Wpt. 11), which is on a short spur trail to the right.

Fire Station Hill Trail
The trail runs atop bluffs overlooking Red Rock Wash (view W)

The peak is craggy limestone with lots of fossiliferous material. The vegetation is sparse, but diverse, and there are lots of cactus in the summit area, including California barrel cactus, cottontop cactus, Desert Spinystar Cactus, and Engelmann's Hedgehog Cactus. Interesting shrubs around the summit include Heermann's buckwheat, butterfly bush, and even Parry's Lipfern growing in cracks in the rocks.

From the summit, hikers can return over the spur trail to the main trail, which continues southeast across the summit areas. Hikers might want to hike off-trail to the left to a rocky sub-summit that overlooks the campground. From there, the route to the main trail and continues southeast down the steep hillside.

The trail then bends northeast as it runs down across the hillside, somewhat steeply at times, to connect with the end of another old road (Wpt. 13).

Fire Station Hill Trail
Grand view north across Red Rock Wash (view N)

The trail follows the road northeast, staying to the right at a fork (Wpt. 14), until the old road reaches a barbed wire fence (Wpt. 15), which is to keep burros out of the campground. The trail passes through a gate in the fence and continues down the dirt road, which shortly intersects the paved Moenkopi Road (2.42 miles out; Wpt. 16).

On the paved road, hikers can return directly to the trailhead (Wpt. 01). Watch for cars, but hiking on the pavement is actually enjoyable after hiking down the steep hillsides. Be sure to wave at the Fire Boys as you pass the Station.

Otherwise, hikers can walk a few yards north on the pavement, then duck under the fence on the east side of the road and pick up other Campground Area trails. By staying left at trail junctions, hikers can loop out into the desert before bending back west and retuning to the trailhead (Wpt. 01).

Fire Station Hill Loop
Cliffs along Red Rock Wash (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail
The trail follows an old two-track road (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fall colors: dried rusty-red buckwheat along the trail (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Approaching a bend to the left (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail bends left towards Fire Station Hill (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail climbs at gentle grades (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail approaching a junction (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Campground Wash Loop Trail descends into the canyon (view SW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail climbs at gentle grades (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail climbs at gentle grades (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail approaching another trail junction (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail continues past the trail junction (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail traversing gentle slopes (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail merges onto another old road (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail heads west for a short distance (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Interesting lighting on a stormy day (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail resumes heading south (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fire Station Hill Trail Fire Station Hill Trail
Approaching the large cairn (view SW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Large cairn on ridge (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Looking back at the large cairn (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Easy walking for a bit (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail gets a bit steeper (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail gets a bit steeper (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail gets a bit steeper (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker coming up the ridge (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker at junction of spur trail to the summit (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fossils in the rocks near the summit (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Fossils in the rocks near the summit (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker among summit blocks (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker arriving on the summit (view N)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker and cactus atop summit block (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker atop summit block (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Summit scenery (view N)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Summit scenery (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Summit scenery (view E)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Summit scenery (view SE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Summit scenery (view S)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail and false summit (view SE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Off-trail route to false summit (view E)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Red Rock Campground as seen from the false summit (view E)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Red Rock BLM Fire Station from above (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail continues onto south face of Fire Station Hill (view SE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail runs down and across the hillside (view E)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail runs down and across the hillside (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hikers arriving at the end of another old road (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Easy walking back on the desert flats (view E)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Easy walking back on the desert flats (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker approaching the Fire Station (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Route stays left at faint old road intersection (view E)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker near the Fire Station (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
More easy walking past the Fire Station (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail passes through gate in the barbed wire fence (view E)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail continues along outside of the fence (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hikers approaching the pavement (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Looking back, the trail ends at the pavement (view SW)
more to come
More to come ...

Alternate End: Hike in the desert rather than back down the pavement.

Fire Station Hill Trail
Ducking under the east-side fence (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hikers walking parallel to the fence (view N)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Old road makes for a nice trail (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Old road continues (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Old road continues (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Old road continues (view NE)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Another old road turns left (view N)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Continuing on the old road (view N)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Old road becomes a trail (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Continuing on the trail (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Trail merges with another trail from the right (view NW)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Crossing final desert flats heading towards the trailhead (view W)
Fire Station Hill Trail
Hiker returning to the trailhead (view W)
more to come
More to come ...

Table 1. Hiking Coordinates Based on GPS Data (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Hiking GPS Waypoints (*.gpx) file.

Wpt. Location Easting Northing Elevation Point-to-Point Distance (mi) Cumulative Distance (mi)
01 Trailhead Parking 644631 4000635 3,455 0.00 0.00
02 Trail Junction 644374 4000552 3,470 0.17 0.17
05 Trail Junction 643890 3999941 3,563 0.51 0.68
06 Trail Junction 643966 3999786 3,655 0.11 0.79
07 Old Road 643978 3999563 3,638 0.14 0.93
08 Fork in Old Road 643950 3999532 3,650 0.03 0.96
09 Trail Leaves Old Road 643926 3999510 3,658 0.02 0.98
10 Large Cairn 644020 3999256 3,750 0.17 1.15
11 Summit 644253 3999022 3,892 0.23 1.38
12 Subsummit 644379 3999017 3,882 0.09 1.47
13 Old Road 644516 3999186 3,710 0.25 1.72
14 Fork in Old Road 644689 3999486 3,560 0.24 1.96
15 Barbed-Wire Fence 645021 3999708 3,507 0.25 2.21
16 Paved Road 645166 3999969 3,470 0.21 2.42
01 Trailhead Parking 644631 4000635 3,455 0.59 3.01

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 250122

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