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Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)
Annual Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)

General: Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum) is a mounded annual forb with asymmetrical, tubular flowers. The flowers are clustered above spiky bracts, have five lobes, and can be white or blue.

Desert Woollystar is a fairly common component of desert vegetation communities during the spring. It can be found in dry, well-drained gravelly soils in washes in the Lower Sonora (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zones.

Family: Phlox (Polemoniaceae)

Other Names:

Plant Form: Mounded annual. Mound dense or loose.

Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)

Height: To about 1 ft.

Stems: Stiff, red.

Leaves: Short, lobed, woolly.

Flowers: Blooms during spring. Inflorescence: heads with densely woolly bracts; bracts leaf-like. Corolla tubular, bilateral; blue or yellow-white.


Habitat: Dry, well-drained gravelly soils on hillsides and in washes.

Elevation: To about 6,000 ft.

Distribution: California to Utah and Arizona


Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum) Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)
Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum) Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)
Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum) Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)
Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum) Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)
Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum) Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)
Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum) Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)
Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum) Desert Woollystar (Eriastrum eremicum)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 211222

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