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Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Annual Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)

General: Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) is a mound-shaped spicy-scented annual forb that grows to about 20 cm tall. Short stems grow from the base. Leaves are narrow and linear, and the margins are gland-dotted. Flowers yellow, 6–10 mm diameter. Phyllaries (8) long, linear, and gland dotted.

Manybristle Chinchweed is a fairly common component of vegetation communities in dry, well-drained gravelly areas on bajadas into the lower mountains in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zone to about 4500 ft.

Around Las Vegas, look for Chinchweed at Lake Mead along the Pierce Ferry Road.

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)

Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Pierce Ferry Rd. between Dolan Springs and Meadview, AZ
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Pierce Ferry Rd. between Dolan Springs and Meadview, AZ
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)
Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa) Manybristle Chinchweed (Pectis papposa)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 240905

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