General: Lodgepole Chipmunks (Neotamias speciosus) have bright colors. The dorsal stripes are distinct, but the contrast between them is low (dark stripes not black, light stripes not white), and the lateral-most dark stripe may be absent. The facial stripes are brown except for a bit of black next to eye. The top of the head is brown, and the ears are dark in front and light behind.
Technical Description: Size 7-9 in. Stripes distinct. Median dorsal stripe black, side stripes brown; outermost stripes sometimes absent. Facial stripes dull. Ear dark in front, light behind. Tail may have dark ring near tip. |

Ear is dark in front and white behind; brown facial stripe |
Distribution: Lodgepole Chipmunks live in the higher mountains of California. Look for them in the Sierra Nevada, San Bernardino, and San Jacinto mountains. In Nevada, they occur in the higher elevations west of Lake Tahoe.
Habitat: High elevation lodgepole and red fir forests, often with manzanita.
Similar Species: Yellow-pine chipmunks have distinct black stripes on the side and live at lower elevations. Least chipmunks are smaller and live lower. Alpine chipmunks are smaller and live higher. |