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Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)
Mammals Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)

Description: Arizona Gray Squirrels (Sciurus arizonensis) are large, gray tree squirrels with long, bushy gray tails. The body is gray, and the belly and tail edges are white. The face, back, and tail may show reddish-brown. The head and body are about 10-11 inches long, and the tail is another 10-12 inches long.

Preferred Habitat: Pine and Pine-Oak forests in the middle and higher elevation mountains in Mexico and Central America; plus the extension of these mountains into southern and central Arizona and southwestern New Mexico.

Diet: Nuts and nut-like foods such as pine seeds and acorns, also seeds and berries when available; raids bird seed feeders.

Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)

Where to Find: Don't look for Arizona Gray Squirrels around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them in southeastern Arizona and southward into central America. Madera Canyon, south of Tucson, and the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona are good places to see this species.


Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) If you were a tasty acorn or a plump pine seed, this might be the last face you ever see!
Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)
Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)
Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)
Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)
Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)
Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)
Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 231222

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