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Mono Lake, South Tufa Towers Trail
Birding Around Las Vegas, Favorite Places Far Away
Mono Lake Tufa Reserve
South Tufa Towers Trail
South Tufa Towers Trailhead (view N)


Located along the east side of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, and perhaps better known for the tufa towers and western water wars, Mono Lake provides salty habitat for billions of alkali flies and brine shrimp. The flies and shrimp, in turn, are food for many thousands of grebes, ducks, gulls, shorebirds, and other species, some 300 species and millions of individuals in all.

Each spring, about 50,000 California Gulls breed on the big island in the lake, and about 400 endangered Snowy Plovers nest on the alkali flats on the northeast shore. In mid-summer, thousands of Wilson's Phalaropes and Red-necked Phalaropes stop during the migration south to fatten up; and in the fall, nearly two million Eared Grebes join the food feast. Ducks, geese, and Tundra Swans also stop over during migration.

Link to Mono Lake Area Map, County Park Boardwalk Trail, or South Tufa Trail Map.

South Tufa Towers Trail
This is a fee area (view N)


The South Tufa Area, located on the southwest side of the lake, protects a large collection of tufa towers. A 0.8-mile nature trail, the South Tufa Towers Trail, has signs that provide information about the ecology and geology of the area.

The South Tufa Towers Trail runs down through the desert scrub (big sagebrush higher up, then lots of greasewood, and yellow rabbitbrush) to the edge of the lake. Shrubs make good birding for landbirds (e.g., Rock Wrens, Sage Thrasher, Loggerhead Shrike, Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Common Nighthawk, Black-billed Magpie, Sage Sparrow, and Western Meadowlark). Watch for Least Chipmunks too.

The lake and tufa towers can be covered with waterbirds (phalaropes, grebes, gulls, waterfowl, and a few predators like Peregrine Falcon and Osprey). The shoreline is a good place to look for shorebirds (American Avocet, Marbled Godwit, Western Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, Willet, and Black-necked Stilt). During migration, Ruddy Ducks, Green-winged Teal, Mallards, Canada Geese, and Tundra Swans can be common. Osprey nest atop the tufa towers.

South Tufa Towers Trail
Information kiosk with signs (view N)

The South Tufa Towers Trail reaches the lake edge, then bends right to run along the sandy beach. The trail goes into shrubs to pass tufa towers before looping back south to the trailhead parking area.

The trail down almost to the shoreline is accessible asphalt and wooden boardwalk with a rest bench near the end of the trail.


Mono Lake is located east of Highway 395, just east of Lee Vining, California. The South Tufa Area is located about 11 miles southeast of Lee Vining. On Highway 395, watch for signs to Highway 120 East towards Benton. On Highway 120 East, drive east about 5 miles to Test Station Road, and turn left towards Mono Lake South Tufa. Continue north on gravel to the end of the road at the South Tufa Trailhead. For details, see Getting to South Tufa Trail.

South Tufa Towers Trail
Information sign about plants in the area (view N)


Mono Lake and South Tufa are always open, but camping at South Tufa is prohibited.


South Tufa is a Federal Fee Area; adults are $3, children under 18 are free. Federal Lands Passes and Golden Age passes are valid here.

For More Information

Visit, call, or write the Mono Basin Scenic Area Visitor Center; P.O. Box 429; Lee Vining, CA 93541; 760-647-3044. The Visitor Center has information on the geology, ecology, and human history of the area. The visitor center is located 0.25 miles north of Lee Vining.

South Tufa Towers Trail
Information kiosk, sometimes with a human (view N)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Birder starting on the South Tufa Towers Trail
South Tufa Towers Trail
South Tufa Towers Trail with information signs
South Tufa Towers Trail
Information signs: Lake Level in 1959 and underground water
South Tufa Towers Trail
South Tufa Towers Trail
South Tufa Towers Trail
Trail makes a side loop to a tufa tower; note info signs and bench
South Tufa Towers Trail
Close-up to a tufa tower
South Tufa Towers Trail
Asphalt trail surface ends; wooden boardwalk continues (view N)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Information sign: Mandated lake level and lake level in 1963
South Tufa Towers Trail
Wooden boardwalk continues towards Mono Lake (view N)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Least Chipmunk foraging on greasewood at the edge of the trail
South Tufa Towers Trail
Wooden boardwalk ends near edge of Mono Lake (view N)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Information sign: salty water
South Tufa Towers Trail
Mono Lake shoreline (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Offshore and onshore tufa towers (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Offshore and onshore tufa towers (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
A dark cluster of Alkali Flies (Ephydra hians)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Perhaps a mating cluster of Alkali Flies (Ephydra hians)
South Tufa Towers Trail
a "few" Alkali Flies (Ephydra hians) on the shoreline
South Tufa Towers Trail
Alkali Flies on the shoreline and Brewer's Blackbirds
South Tufa Towers Trail
Brewer's Blackbirds feeding on Alkali Flies
South Tufa Towers Trail
Brewer's Blackbird on a lump of tufa at the shoreline
South Tufa Towers Trail
The Tufa Towers trail continues along the shoreline (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
The trail goes into shrubs towards more tufa towers (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Birder on trail approaching tufa towers (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Sage Thrasher atop a tufa tower
South Tufa Towers Trail
The trail returns to the shoreline (view E)
South Tufa Towers Trail
California Gull at the lakeshore
South Tufa Towers Trail
Offshore tufa towers (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Offshore tufa towers with two Osprey on a nest (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Two Osprey on a nest (view NE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Trio of tufa towers with an Osprey landing on a nest
South Tufa Towers Trail
Narrow, isolated tufa tower
South Tufa Towers Trail
Broad, isolated tufa tower
South Tufa Towers Trail
California Gull making a lot of noise; floating high in salty water
South Tufa Towers Trail
Onshore tufa tower (view SE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
California Gull feeding at shoreline on Alkali flies
South Tufa Towers Trail
Birding from the beach (view SE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Bits of boardwalk help navigate muddy areas (view S)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Trail continues through shrubs to another bit of beach
South Tufa Towers Trail
Onshore tufa towers (view SE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Beach (view SE towards Navy Beach)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Another bench and information sign near the shore (view S)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Lots of yellow rabbitbrush blooming in the fall (view SE)
South Tufa Towers Trail
The trail continues through shrublands (view S)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Birder passing an area of low tufa towers on dry land (view S)
South Tufa Towers Trail
Two Rock Wrens atop low tufa tower
South Tufa Towers Trail
Birder returning towards the trailhead (view SW)

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240902

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